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1st Global Certificate Program for IT Recruiters

Software Engineer Recruiting Bootcamp  Europe | Summer 2022

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Software Engineer Recruiting Bootcamp

One the most popular Tech Profession is Developers! The differences between different types of Developers, the categorization and combination of their skills as well as the special characteristics of this markers, render Developers' recruitment difficult.

This Bootcamp is a complete guide to Recruitment for Developers; Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers & Full-stack Developers. 

Upon completion of this course you will be able to identify the candidates' profiles, compare their hard skills and understand whether their CVs is true and consistent. You will also learn the top screening questions that help you perform a quick and efficient high-level screening, even if you do not have a technical background.

Pass the exams and get the "Developer Recruitment" certification by Skillscouts (powered by Reatcode) , the recognized as an approved training provider by the World Human Resource Certification Institute (USA) .


Software Engineer Recruiting Bootcamp Europe | Summer 2022


Τhe 1st Global Certificate Program for IT Recruiters.

Learn how to hire:


- Front-end Developers
- Back-end Developers
- Full stack Developers

Our Goal

Our goal is to connect companies with IT Recruiters and Tech Talents, offering a toolkit for Tech Recruitment.


Skillscouts Academy is the only Digital Tech Recruitment School that provides learners with skills on IT Professions, their roles, their responsibilities, the tools and technologies they are requested to have, as well as the means and smart tips to source and assess them.


Skillscouts Hub is a network that offers Tech Recruiting opportunities and solutions. Companies can hire Tech Recruiters or Tech Talents and Tech Recruiters can find job opportunities that match their profiles. What is more, Skillscouts Hub offers the biggest pool of Top Certified Tech Talents. For companies or Tech Recruiters who have already created their pool, Skillscouts offers technical assessment solutions in order to assist with shortlisting and filtering of the candidates.

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Our Story

Our team consists of Tech & Tech Recruitment experts from all over the world who are highly experienced in various industries. With global presence and offices in more than 5 countries, we have managed to gather Top Skilled IT Recruiters and Tech Talents together in one Platform. 

Some of the Companies that trust us!



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